
Most of the items listed by Didi and Dora have been previously loved. For this reason, there are regular signs of age that are consistent with design that dates back as early as the 1920’s. As a result, there is a condition report (see below) on all of Didi and Dora’s items. Please take time to read the description and ensure you are happy with the item before committing to a purchase. Feel free to ask any questions to assist in making your final decision about a particular piece.
Buyers have 48 hours from receiving an item to advise Didi and Dora of any defect or other concern they have with the condition of the item.
To return an item or if you have any questions, please email us at hello@didianddora.com.
condition status
Perfect condition - item is like new in it’s original condition
Great condition - item has minor or no noticeable signs of wear
Good condition - item may have one or a few minor signs of wear
Fair condition - item is preloved so normal signs of wear should be expected